If you are serious about drinking, the occasional hangover is inevitable. If you wake up with one, don’t try to defeat it. You won’t succeed, only waste energy and make yourself feel worse. No. Instead, you must learn to embrace the hangover, so she will leave on her own terms. It’s like the old legends […]
Month: December 2011
Advent Treat Day Sixteen – Escape
I’m not at work. I took a day off for no reason and now I’m on my way to London to get drunk. This is the best so far.
Advent Treat Day Fifteen – Party At Mine
It was wonderful. I love my friends. Now my flat smells of Irish coffee and stupidity, or, to put it another way, Christmas.
Advent Treat Day Fourteen – Afternoon Cider
I LOVE this place. And H, who I went with. And not working on Wednesdays. The real treat is, not making myself feel guilty about the fact I wasn’t writing. Advent Treat Day Fourteen – Afternoon Cider
Advent Treat Day Thirteen – Cutting Myself Some Slack
Yesterday, I had the kind of cold that makes you burst into tears for no reason and have to make up reasons to leave conversations you haven’t finished because you might faint on the person you’re talking to and make them spill their tea. Normally I pretend this kind of stuff isn’t happening, to the […]
I’ve always been fat. Sometimes it’s a problem for me, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes I’m bigger than I normally am, sometimes smaller. But one way or another, I haven’t been in my “healthy bmi range” since I was in sixth form, and that was only for about six months. Yeah, that’s right, healthy bmi range. […]
Advent Treat Day Twelve – A Present for Drunk Lucy
Today’s treat had to be pretty non time intensive. I had to prep and go to the office Christmas party, plus there was a poetry deadline (what? That’s a real thing. Honest. What?) so it had to be fast. I went with an idea from H – buying a present for Drunk Lucy. Drunk Lucy […]
Advent Treat Day Eleven – Writer’s Meeting
Every other week for about a year now, I’ve been meeting up with my friend T, another poet, and we read each other’s stuff and offer criticism. I have found this colossally helpful. I can lie to myself forever, but I find very difficult to explain to T that I’m rubbish and I haven’t written […]
Advent Treat Day Ten – In Bed With Bridesmaids
Normally I feel extreme guilt over wasted time. I always feel like I need to be “doing” something. I procrastinate a LOT, but in my head it feels different. I am allowed to listlessly surf the internet for 4 hours, but only if I have a writing project open in the background and I’m sitting […]
Advent Treat Day Nine – Wear What The Fuck You Like Friday
When I worked in Corporate Land, we used to have Dress Down Fridays. I hated this. As a concept, it seems so teasing, like Sniff A Biscuit Wednesdays or Briefly Lift Your Gaze To The Sky First Tuesday Of The Month. Dressing Down, by the very name, implies a rigidly adhered to code that has […]