Normally at lunchtime I slump at my desk in front of facebook and some sort of joyless stereotypical girl-lunch (fuck you, rice cakes) so today I went to meet a friend for coffee. I chose Dan Holloway, who runs Eight Cuts. He is one of these people who DO THINGS, all the time. He puts […]
Month: December 2011
Today, I feel guilty. Yesterday I started drinking at lunchtime and didn’t stop until D lured me home with the promise of fried food. This meant I got pretty much no writing done. I don’t work Wednesdays so I can write, which is indulgent, but legitimate, as long as I actually am writing, not drinking […]
Advent Treat Day Seven – Lunch at Edamame
This place is brilliant. Only open for about 10 hours a week, tiny, and you have to share big tables with strangers. Lunch is the best time to go – you can get a main course, rice, miso soup and a cup of tea for about £7.50. We had to queue, but totally worth it. […]
Advent Treat Day Six – Charlie Brooker and Carbonara
For a year and a half just after I graduated, I lived in Didcot. Some of you might not be familiar with the place. It is a dormitory town between Oxford and Reading, and it is an absolute shithole. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Oh,” you’re thinking. “You can’t be trusted to judge a […]
Advent Treat Day Five – Bonus Yoga Class
I’ve been practicing yoga regularly for about a year now. In that time, I feel like I’ve made a real start at making friends with my body again – in terms of enjoying movement, my attitude to food, generally listening to myself more. I only started for work, but it turns out I love it. […]
This Happens Every Month
I just woke up and thought I’d gone blind. I’ve had really bad eyesight since I was about 10, but for the last year I’ve had these AWESOME contact lenses. They make the world look like it was shot in HD. So good. Also, they are extended wear, so I just put them in and […]
Advent Treat Day Four
Courtesy of D – strawberry cheesecake, and getting to play my guitar rather than going to the shop. The cheesecake was DELICIOUS. It was the £2.50 one though, not the £4 one. We may live in Oxford, but still. There’s a line.
Advent Treat Day Three – Traditional Me Time
70 pages of Neil Gaiman in the bath, even though there’s stuff to be done. Not original. Not disappointing. I also used a “chocolate santa bath bomb” that I got from Lush ages ago. That was a bit weird, to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun when they fizz – I like a […]
Barely Bullingdon
I did a really nice gig last night. They were lovely. I’m glad I put on a dress for them. They put me on in the second half, which is a compliment and nicer to perform, and gave me a bit of cake. The most I’ve EVER been paid to perform is a glass of […]
I found the following texts on my my phone. They were all sent from me to D between 23.35 and 02.02 last night/this morning. There was no response, because D is a real person and he was asleep. “We are crashing a college party now. Best or worst idea ever x” “Medium idea.” “They are […]