Last year lots of “big” things happened to me. I bought a house, I took a show to Edinburgh, I lost three and a half stone, I got engaged, I got a pet, I got a promotion. Loads of things to put on facebook, straightforward things that people can like and comment “Yay!! Congrats :D” […]
Month: December 2015
Blogmas Day 16 – The Christmas Tag
I have 19 minutes to write this if it is going up today. My blood flows slowly, as if it has been replaced by brie and baileys. I have spent the last week drunk or eating carbs or eating carbs dipped in booze (panetonne mulled wine hell yeah!!) and my brain feels like it is […]
Blogmas Day 15 – First Dates Watchalong
So the idea is, this is like a liveblog, except obviously this episode aired on Thursday and no one watches live TV anymore. But if you like, watch along with me! Or just read this at your desk with a cheeky hangover while pretending to “do a spreadsheet” – your call. First Dates is a […]
Blogmas Day 14 – Chocolate Truffle Teacups
Because NO ONE likes Christmas pudding. Today, I am sharing an old family recipe* for chocolate truffle torte. This is a fine little pudding to make for any occasion – it is at heart just chocolate and cream, so everyone likes it. My Mum always made this in a big springform cake tin, which looks […]
Blogmas Day 13 – Magic
It occurs to me that a lot of this blog is concerned with magic. The magic of baking, of writing, and of love. Let’s take baking. Baking is magic. You take this selection of uninspiring ingredients (the curdled excretions of a cow! A chicken’s period! Some ground up grass!) and you combine it in the […]
Blogmas Day 12 – Wildly Ambitious Gingerbread Biscuits
Last week on of my friends gave the Sweet Tooth by Lily Vanilli – a charming baking book full of preposterous sweet eats such as “Popping Candy Fool’s Gold Chocolates” and “Bacon and Maple Syrup Teacakes”. She said it might come in useful for my blogging. You bet your arse it will, Jen. This kind […]
Blogmas Day 11 – Things Of The Year
As is traditional at this time of year, I have been reflecting on the things I have achieved and enjoyed through the last 12 months. Today, a tour of things I have enjoyed. Achievements is more of an essay than a cute list to scroll down while you’re meant to be proofing the end of […]
Blogmas Day 10 – How To Erase A Hangover With Makeup
I am so sorry, I appear to have fallen behind with Blogmas. I skipped Friday to go to Brighton and get drunk with some teachers on the last day of term, and then on Saturday I couldn’t move because no one drinks like teachers on the last day of term. They make George Best look […]
Blogmas Day 9 – Three Irritating Questions You’ll Be Asked At Christmas Parties
Christmas is a time of socialising, which is both good and bad. Boozy night down the pub with beloved old friends you haven’t seen for a year? Good! Cheeky after work prosecco with your besties just because it’s Christmas? Good! Pretending you’re going Christmas shopping with your Dad but bunking off and going down the […]
Blogmas Day 8 – What’s In My Bag?

You see what’s in my bags all the time on blogs and youtube but I find them endlessly fascinating. My favourite thing about Amsterdam is that no one has curtains in their front rooms so you can see right into their living rooms whenever you want. Seriously. I like that more than pancakes, €5 Prosecco and […]