I read For the first time this year, I didn’t finish a book this week! Booooo. I’m like 20 pages away from the end of True Grit though – I’ll tell you about it next week (I like it). I watched The entire first season of Parks and Rec, about 5 years after everyone else. […]
Month: January 2016
Ridiculously Healthy Lunch Soup
I always tell myself that I am going to make myself soup to take to lunch. Delicious, wholesome nourishing soup! Knocked up in 20 minutes in my own kitchen, meeting my nutritional needs perfectly, not full of double cream (I KNOW IT’S DELICIOUS, COVENT GARDEN SOUP CO, BUT IT’S NOT FOR EVERY DAY, OKAY?) and […]
7 Bloody Brilliant Facts About Brian Blessed
All taken from the early chapters of Absolute Pandemonium by Brian Blessed, which I have been listening to as a wholesome soundtrack to making my bunting. Brian Blessed’s first word was “bugger”, during an altercation with another baby over a rattle. Brian Blessed is a “fully trained cosmonaut”. When he was a little boy, Brian […]
Facing Friday – Darlings and Dishwashers
Another week full of me running around whining about how busy I am. When you break it down though, I’ve been mainly flouncing about and going for dinner. I read The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman (which CANNOT be the given name of a steampunk author. Surely?), which is a fantasy/adventure romp featuring a librarian, […]
Weight Loss Is Not An Anti-Feminist Act
About two years ago, I decided to lose weight. Nothing unusual in this. I have decided to lose weight about once a year since I’ve been – what? Seven, maybe? I can’t even remember. But this time, rather than launching myself wholeheartedly into a punishing regime (5:2, Cabbage Soup, Slimfast, Atkins… that one I made […]
Facing Friday – Starmen
What a terrible week to be a British national treasure, eh? RIP Bowie and Rickman. Your contribution to UK culture was massive, in both cases. It is a funny thing, to see, and to participate in, the grieving of someone you’ve never met. Sometimes comforting, sometimes slightly stifling somehow. Often annoying. I can’t help thinking, […]
Facing Friday – Back to Work
Hello there, and welcome to a brand new year! Hopes all shiny and fresh, the smell of new pencils and good intentions heavy in the air… Horrible, isn’t it? As part of a new year’s resolution to blog more/generally pull my thumb out of my arse and become a Big Deal Writer I am cataloguing […]