Advent Treat Day Twelve – A Present for Drunk Lucy

Today’s treat had to be pretty non time intensive. I had to prep and go to the office Christmas party, plus there was a poetry deadline (what? That’s a real thing. Honest. What?) so it had to be fast. I went with an idea from H – buying a present for Drunk Lucy.

Drunk Lucy and I have always had a pretty turbulent relationship. She does a fair bit of trouble making, and normally I have to take the rap for it, but recently we’ve been making friends. On Thursday morning I found a can of diet coke she left for me in my handbag. Now, I don’t know how it got there and to be honest I have my suspicions that she stole it, but don’t tell me that’s not sweet. I really appreciate the thought.

So today’s treat was internet shopping for a gift for her. I won’t show you yet. It’s got to be a surprise. But she is going to LOVE it.

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